FAS Evangelists

In Ephesians 4:11–13, Paul reminds us that “Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all… [attain] the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” FAS is committed to come alongside local churches, camp meetings, etc. with evangelists, teachers, and preachers in keeping with this Scripture. By sending such outreach and with God’s help, we believe we can be an encouraging, saving, sanctifying means of grace to the world.

Francis Asbury Society evangelists are gifted evangelists and teachers who proclaim the message of salvation and scriptural holiness. They come alongside organizations to lead evangelistic and renewal ministries, they embrace Wesleyan-holiness theology, they model a godly lifestyle, and they spread God’s life-changing message.

The Francis Asbury Society has evangelists available for a number of ministry purposes. Learn more about our evangelists below.

Jerry and Jan Coleman FAS Speakers

Evangelistic Preaching

  • Church services
  • Camp meetings
Women reading the Holy Bible.

Biblical Teaching

  • Conferences
  • Seminars

Worship Leadership

  • Music
  • Drama
Women reading the Holy Bible.

Ministry Training

  • Pastors
  • Evangelists

FAS Staff Evangelists

Mrs. Cricket Albertson Staff Headshot

Mrs. Cricket Albertson

Executive Director of Titus Women

Dr. Ron Smith Staff Headshot

Rev. Jerry Coleman

Lead International Evangelist

Mrs. Cricket Albertson Staff Headshot

Dr. Jim Harriman

International Evangelist to Latin America

Dr. Ron Smith Staff Headshot

Dr. Vic Reasoner

Director of Francis Asbury Institute

Mrs. Cricket Albertson Staff Headshot

Dr. Ray and Mrs. Sylvia Degenkolb

Professor Evangelist serving Colombia

Additional Speakers & Evangelists

Titus Women Speakers

The Titus Women ministry maintains a list with bios of all their speakers on their website.

Francis Asbury Fellows

Francis Asbury Fellows provide academic and scholarly support for the Society’s mission in the world.

Schedule an Evangelist for Your Event

Reach out to FAS to check the availability of our evangelists and to find the right person for your needs.