From the FAS Board of Directors: Recruiting a New President

Nov 22, 2022 | News and Updates | 0 comments

[Updated March 6, 2023] The Francis Asbury Society (FAS) announced previously that Dr. Ron Smith has accepted the position of president of Ohio Christian University (OCU), effective January 1, 2023. […]

[Updated March 6, 2023]

The Francis Asbury Society (FAS) announced previously that Dr. Ron Smith has accepted the position of president of Ohio Christian University (OCU), effective January 1, 2023. Ron has contributed so much to FAS in both official and unofficial ways for more than thirty years. We congratulate him on this new position at OCU and send Ron and Dorena to their new assignment with our gratitude, prayers, and blessing.

We are so pleased to announce that Dr. John Oswalt has agreed to serve as interim president at FAS for a season. John is no stranger to FAS, and upon agreeing to step into this position, said:

Dr. Kinlaw’s vision continues to resonate with me. He said that the Asbury institutions, being institutions, will primarily focus on maintaining themselves. Somebody has to nurture the vision that gave rise to the institutions and provide a constituency devoted to that vision. What is that vision? Free salvation for all people and full salvation from all sin. How do we propagate it and nurture it? Evangelistic preaching, publication, and conferencing by a group of like-minded persons, a society. That’s US!

With an interim president in place starting in January, the Board of Directors can now search for a new president. Separate from the job description, the Board has defined certain characteristics, gifts, and graces we expect in a chief executive, and we thought it helpful to share those here. Among other things, the Board seeks a president who:

  • Has a deep sense of calling to the position; not necessarily to a ministry named The Francis Asbury Society, but more a calling to promote the doctrine, the proclamation, and the experience of heart holiness.
  • Has a track record that bears witness to this calling with clear evidence of Christian character and the sanctified life and who can without reservation commit to the mission and values of The Francis Asbury Society.
  • Demonstrates a natural ability to network and build relationships.
  • Understands and appreciates the historic holiness movement and values the past while looking to the future.
  • Demonstrates the ability to build and maintain a vital, effective leadership team.
  • Has a good understanding of organizational systems.
  • Has a keen interest in and understanding of culture, including cross-cultural sensitivities and the need to employ different methods for different audiences, cultures, and demographics without compromising the message.
  • Has an eagerness and ability to lead and engage in fundraising efforts that produce results sufficient to fund the work.

The FAS Board of Directors immediately will begin accepting applications for this position. We ask interested applicants to send a resume with a cover letter to, ATTN: Francis Asbury Society President. The Board will receive applications until [updated] March 15, 2023, at which time the application period will close. We expect to conduct interviews shortly thereafter and would like to have a new president named and onsite by early summer.

Please pray for Ron and Dorena as they begin anew at OCU, for John Oswalt as he serves as our interim president at FAS, for the future president of FAS, and for the Board of Directors of FAS as they seek the Lord’s best in this matter—and for the wonderful staff of the Society doing great work in a time of some uncertainty.


The Board of Directors of The Francis Asbury Society

