Every Day Is Beautiful

Jun 27, 2023 | About Us | 0 comments

I have been a Christian since the age of five. My daddy, the preacher, had an altar call during a service. I felt a tugging at my heart and as […]

I have been a Christian since the age of five. My daddy, the preacher, had an altar call during a service. I felt a tugging at my heart and as I knelt at the altar, I decided that I wanted to live for Jesus. I must be stubborn because that decision has never wavered, not even through the tough times. I know-that-I-know that Jesus is there and that he works in my life at every turn. He gets the credit for orchestrating every day. Every day is beautiful!

Here is a quick get-to-know-me run down. I moved around a lot as a kid because of the United Methodist Church. That showed me that I do not like change. It also taught me how to meet and talk to new people. After high school, I attended Asbury College, as it was called at the time. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in Spanish. My college sweetheart and I married soon after graduation. He is a hard-working, God-fearing, wonderful husband. We have raised four boys together; two are still at home. We have worked to instill godly thought processes and caring, respectful attitudes in our children. One of the things we repeated was, “Mean what you say and say what you mean.” Therefore, we do not allow sarcasm in our home. It isn’t funny to say things that cut others down. Another thing we taught was that brothers treat each other kindly; they will need each other for the rest of their lives. Those relationships are so very important. I have worked with children and youth in my home, at church, and as a job; been a front desk clerk and manager at a hotel; answered phones for a call center troubleshooting credit card swiping machines and later cell phones; got paid to walk 10,000 steps a day putting away the books at a library; and finally, I am working a dream of a job at FAS as the receptionist. Everything I have done has prepared me for where I am today. I would love to welcome you with a smile when you come to visit Wilmore.

I heard once that it is the wife’s responsibility to set the tone in the home. If a wife is frazzled and hurried, then the entire family feels it. (You should see me at crunch time before company comes over.) I have to remind myself that my life isn’t about me or others’ impressions of me. My time, my talents, and my desires must all match with what the Lord has for me. When we have guests, my goal is to create space for them to relax and enjoy good food, fellowship, and the peace of Jesus. If I can model my life after Jesus and the concepts taught in Scripture, then I know that Jesus can work through me to accomplish his will for those around me. This is my joy: it is a beautiful song of praise to be a blessing to others.

