The FAS Covenant Fellowship: This Is Who We Are

Our friend Dr. John Oswalt once wrote: Sometimes people ask, “What is the Francis Asbury Society?” But that is not quite the right question. The question should be “Who is the Francis Asbury Society?” Because a “society,” according to the dictionary is “a...

The Bottle of Water

By Lane Loman, FAS SpeakerThe mail was late! It usually is when our regular carrier does not deliver the mail. The doorbell rang, and I saw a young man dressed in standard United Postal Service garb standing at the door. I opened the door and greeted him. Holding the...

Camp Meeting: Virtual Style

By Lane Loman, FAS Speaker Camp Sychar Celebrated 150 Years! Camp meetings are an integral part of my spiritual DNA. Summers were spent traveling with my father and Mother to camp meetings. If asked by friends where we went on vacation, my response would always be,...

Being Imitators of God

By Ron Adkins, FAS Fellow The Apostle Paul tells the churches throughout Ephesus to “be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Eph. 5:1-2, ESV). One of Daniel...