As the Lenten Season Begins

As the Lenten Season Begins

Easter is the only major holiday that does not have a fixed date. It can come as early as March 22 and as late as April 25. This year it comes on April 17, and so Lent begins on March 2. In the forty-day journey leading up to Easter, Sundays are not counted because...
Francis Asbury’s Call for Prayer

Francis Asbury’s Call for Prayer

When one of the most severe epidemics in American history hit Philadelphia, the yellow fever epidemic of 1793 which killed 10% of the population, Francis Asbury appointed September 10 to be observed as a day of humble prayer. While those who could afford to do so were...

Being thankful in “all” circumstances

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. (1 Thess 5:18 NLT) Be thankful in “all” circumstances. Is this really possible? For sure, when circumstances are pleasant and life is agreeable, it is easy to give thanks: for...