President’s Post

Jul 29, 2021 | President's Post

Dear friends and colleagues, It is a privilege to write this post to you from the “sawdust trail” (the 19th century’s term for the camp meeting circuit). Our speakers are […]

Dear friends and colleagues,

It is a privilege to write this post to you from the “sawdust trail” (the 19th century’s term for the camp meeting circuit). Our speakers are all in a wide array of camps in several states across our country. The joy that comes from kneeling at tabernacle altars with people seeking a deeper relationship with our Lord is indescribable. I can never take for granted the privilege that comes when people invite us in to hear their hurts, joys, pain, and praises on their spiritual journey with Jesus. To hear a seekers’ burdens for their families and their spiritual lives, for their vocational lives and their church lives, is an amazing honor. I never cease to come away filled anew, seeing how victory in Jesus is meted out to His followers one person at a time as they come to bow before Him. Truly, we are blessed in our calling as those chosen to preach.

In Jeremiah 23 disobedient spiritual leaders are chided for failing to do the kind of preaching and teaching that turns people from sin and evil to God. We know that such an enterprise is only the supernatural work of God. Only He has revealed His Word and by His Spirit can convict of sin and unrighteousness. But the Lord, in the beauty of His holiness, does exactly that wherever and whenever His Word is lovingly lifted. And that is inevitably because Christ is the Good Shepherd in contrast to the Jeremiah 23 shepherds. “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it” (1 Thess. 5:24). Please pray for our FAS evangelists as we continue throughout the summer that there will be many spiritual victories as people’s lives are transformed.

I want to praise our Lord for sending us three new people to serve our Society as full-time ministers. Rev. Josh and Mrs. Kelly Hallahan are now living with their four children in Wilmore, KY. They will work in discipleship with students from Asbury University and Asbury Theological Seminary. We believe our students are our greatest resources in Wilmore, and we are so pleased to serve them. Please pray (as the Apostle Paul did with the Galatian Christians) that the “image of Christ may be spiritually formed” in students as they study and are trained. We thank God that we can serve them as they prepare for their life calling.

Also, we welcome Dr. Vic Reasoner as he begins to serve with me through our academic enterprise we are calling The Francis Asbury Institute. Vic and his wife Cindy also have moved to Wilmore in the past couple of weeks. Vic has expertise as a researcher, writer, pastor, and speaker. He brings a whole career of expertise with him as President of a Christian college, pastor, publisher, and scholar.

Please pray for the Hallahans and the Reasoners as they enrich our mission through their employ. We know we are a much better team due to their ministry. As for me, receiving these new “good shepherds” causes me to rejoice for the transforming ministry that will take place for the praise of His glory! Please join us in prayer and support as we continue to grow!

Before I close, allow me to invite you to visit our new website as you browse our ministry.

With you in a joyful journey,

