Opening Issue of The President’s Post

Apr 1, 2021 | President's Post, Publications

Dorena and I wanted to share with you a picture we took when we were visiting our youngest daughter Laura and her husband, Captain Frank Wood (US Army). They are stationed in Fort Riley, Manhattan, KS. Kansas is the Sunflower State!

There’s something symbolic about the reality of turning towards the sun to grow. Malachi reminded his readers that “the sun of righteousness would rise with healing” (4:2 NIV). At FAS we have been “fighting the good fight” of trying to share the risen, healing and transforming love of God despite the adversity of the pandemic. Whew! I suppose if I tried to sound like a preacher, I’d say we’ve been focused on training, tuning, tithing, and traveling (things are beginning to open again!).


During this year of COVID, we decided to use the extra office time (where else could we go?) to take a giant step forward in a major collaborative effort to learn more about market communications. We hired Summit Marketing as our teachers/consultants. For one year, they will work pretty intensely to teach us how to design and use social media to promote our Kingdom initiatives—a big learning curve. We made a trade: the pandemic’s downturn for an FAS upturn!


Very soon you will be able to see the first fruits of our training in action as we give our website a long-needed tune-up. We are so excited that you will be able to interact with the Society (via the website) in very dynamic ways in the months to come—a giant step forward!


You can imagine the financial challenges for mission resulting from the downturn. In January, FAS launched a three-year development campaign to raise 300 partners who will give yearly to our Society, either $100 monthly as part of your tithes and offerings or $1200 annually. This project is a tremendous amount of work! Would you prayerfully consider joining the effort by sharing some tithe money to spread the holy love and help of God to the nations? We need you! For some it would mean an upgrade in giving to the Society and for others it may mean becoming a new partner in giving, but the challenge is great, and the time is now! Thank you for praying for us.


To raise new friends and funds, I will be traveling significantly. Moreover, I will be leading one event per month because our nation is beginning to open once again—thanks be to God for his healing power! After our board meeting in April, I will be doing a revival in May, a preaching conference in June, and a camp meeting in July. We need your prayers! The speakers are booked and traveling. Your partnership with us has the Francis Asbury Society on the move!

We also have five new books just off the press; we are working on an international initiative on six continents for 2023; and Titus Women is thriving! I request your intercessory prayer for our safety and strength. Thanks be to God for you, and glory to God for the fullness of the work!

