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Bill Kierce


Bill began serving as FAS President in June 2023. He is an evangelist, and he started his preaching ministry early in his life. He was influenced by John Wesley’s theology and evangelistic impact. He is deeply convinced that we are incapable in our own strength to fulfill God’s call or to live a life that wholly pleases God. He recalls the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit as “I was met that night with waves of God’s presence overwhelming me with the reality of His love and power. I have claimed that as my initial baptism with the Holy Spirit and entrance into entire sanctification.”

Bill completed a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication from Auburn University, an MDiv. from Asbury Theological Seminary in 1996, an MA in leadership and organizational Development from Saint Louis University (SLU), and a master’s degree in Communication from Arizona State University online while completing coursework for the Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership at Eastern University in St. Davids, PA, focusing on perceptions of consulting effectiveness in faith-based organizations.

He celebrates being married to Kim since 1984. They have three grown-up children and eight grandchildren. Kim is a registered nurse and nurse educator in a local hospital. Bill enjoys reading, playing golf, and walking, which is to him a posture of ceaseless prayer. Kim and Bill have the JOY of experiencing and entering into their children’s and grandchildren’s lives whom they train to love Jesus and other human beings.

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