The High Calling

The High Calling is our popular and engaging printed newsletter. Its articles exhort, enlighten, and encourage readers to live happy and holy lives, fully devoted to God. Subscribe to the High Calling print edition via the button below. Archived issues are also available below for digital viewing.

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Praise for The High Calling

“[The High Calling] gives me a great deal of ‘Fuel’ for my spiritual engine when it arrives in my mailbox.”

— Terry (Seville, OH)

“I thoroughly enjoyed the most recent issue of The High Calling. I’ve actually made some major life/time adjustments as a result, and it has proven to be very life-altering. In fact, it’s been quite life-altaring.”

—Adam (Kinnesaw, GA)

“I just received [this issue] and did not stop reading until it was completely devoured. Thank you so much for choosing such helpful articles and writing yourself so that we can be better instructed as to the meaning of the crucified life. I found it to be so helpful… By the way, the recent issue on the subject of rest was equally edifying and thought provoking. Thank you for helping people see what the Jesus life is all about.” 

—Steve (Columbia, SC)

“This new issue of The High Calling [‘Toxic Church,’ May/June 2009] may be the best yet.”

—Sam (Albany, NY)

“Thank you so much for this theme on worldliness and the state of the Church! You are right: we don’t address it, and our occupation with the world is killing and immobilizing the Church of Jesus Christ. Thank you for addressing it! I prize your magazine... and I am thankful for the opportunity to read the issues that you present every two months.”

—Heather (Columbia, SC)

“I can’t wait until my High Calling gets here!” 

—Lucinda (Rockford, TN)

“The meat in the thought-provoking articles always points me to the Word. They have been a blessing to me as well as to others as I share them.”

—Mala (Terra Haute, IN)

“I just want to thank you for this last month’s publication on forgiveness. It has been a huge blessing to me personally. I plan on keeping it and re-reading it often. Whoever came up with this suggestion had no idea who would be blessed by it.”

—Sue (Carleton,  MI)

“I’ve been reading this newsletter for over 25 years, and the recent issues are better than ever!”

—John (Stanford, KY)

“Your article [Circumcision of the Ears] was manna for my soul as well as a reminder of my own responsibility before God.”

—Eldred (Lakeland, FL)

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