Our Vision
5 Steps Forward

A New Web Design and Marketing Strategy
After prayerfully considering how we could move the organization forward after COVID, we determined our first step to be taking a significant step forward in our web design and marketing strategy for books and publications. With a redesigned website and online bookstore, we are making strategic advances in our mission in the area of marketing and communications.

General Fund Leadership 100 Development Campaign
On January 1, 2021, FAS launched a three-year development campaign to raise 300 new leadership donors to our general fund for the FAS mission. We hope to partner with 100 new individuals, 100 new churches, and 100 new camps and conferences who respectively will support our mission for evangelism and making holy disciples.

Empower the Nations Initiative
In 2021, the Francis Asbury Society began a collaborative initiative to raise reproducing discipleship groups who covenant to live transformed, holy lives among the nations. In 2023, 100 Christian leaders will come together for substantial training to lead and reproduce covenant discipleship groups committed to the message and principles of holy living and evangelism. After this conference, our covenant leaders will go throughout their communities around the world to start covenant groups among the represented nations.

Francis Asbury Institute
This initiative is designed to create an academic and clergy think tank to provide substantive Wesleyan thought for the professional and clerical world of ministry and education. We hold pertinent theological symposiums, seek to inspire excellent graduate work in theological education and practical Christian living, and encourage people to continue to do vital research in Wesleyan thought so that our theological heritage is perpetuated for the good of the Church and world.

Discipleship Initiatives and Resources
Through books, publications, prayer meetings, Bible studies, conferences and spiritual gatherings, in addition to covenant relationships, FAS seeks to provide encouragement and resourceful opportunities to walk together in the beauty of His holiness. We want all who are members of the Society to be uplifted and have growth opportunities via our relationships, programs, and resources.