The Francis Asbury Institute
The Francis Asbury Institute promotes theological dialogue centered on the “dynamic orthodoxy” of Francis Asbury and John Wesley. Healthy, orthodox, informed and relevant theological dialogue is encouraged through seminars, classes, academic symposiums and graduate guidance.

Culture Chronicles
The Culture Chronicles provide substantive thought from the Christian worldview with the hope of equipping Christ’s people in America to converse with cultural leaders from a faith-based perspective.
We believe that the soul of the Church lies in the thought life of its people. That begins with a substantive conversation about the truths of God as those truths confront and interact with public attitudes and dispositions of the day. God loves his people and desires to do good among them. He desires his mercy and grace to proliferate as he shares his loving counsel with his created world.

The Dennis F. Kinlaw Symposium
Too long has the work of theology been removed from the context of the local Christian community into the detached world of academia. Healthy, orthodox, informed, and relevant theological dialogue is vital not just for those whose interests somehow get piqued, but for the countless men and women committed to the cause of Christ around the world in every culture. To this end, the Francis Asbury Institute is proud to present the Dennis F. Kinlaw Symposium for Theological Dialogue, aimed at offering theological discussion leading to growth in the knowledge of God and personal holiness.

Francis Asbury Society Fellows
The Fellows program seeks young, bright minds in graduate programs to carry on the academic work of the Society. However, it is not strictly academic as Fellows also teach and preach in partnership with the Society. The FAS Ministry Center offers office space for Fellows to conduct their research, one of the many purposes that makes the Ministry Center a sacred place.

Holiness Preaching Conferences
The Francis Asbury Society is host to an annual Holiness Preaching Conference designed to inspire, support, equip and network Wesleyan-Holiness preachers. John Wesley referred to entire sanctification as the “grand depositum” of the Methodist revival. These conferences provide opportunities to consider patterns of personal spiritual growth and sermon preparation, support networks of like-minded preachers, and offer new expressions of scriptural holiness.
Institute Blog Posts
John’s Present-Tense Possibility of Grace and the Imperative of Holiness Preaching
In 1740, John Wesley had a conversation with Edmund Gibson, the bishop of London. Dr. Gibson asked Wesley what he meant by perfection. Wesley told him “without any disguise or reserve.” Gibson responded, “Mr. Wesley, if this be all you mean, publish it to all the...
Victory over Sin and Cleansing from Sin: 1 John 3:3, 8–10
In these "Preaching Holiness Today" blog posts, I have been examining “The Thirty Texts of Wesley” as first compiled by William Sangster. This post is my 24th post of the series. In this post, I explore how William Sangster conflates a statement on purity with a...
The Christian Walk: 1 John 2:6
Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked. (1 John 2:6) To say that we abide in Christ—that we have lasting knowledge of him, constant communion with him, and hearts full of him—is nothing more than vain words unless we walk as he...