Our community is full of individuals who are wholeheartedly committed to Christ. We want to offer you the opportunity to join us here at The Francis Asbury Society in glorifying Jesus through the pursuit of holiness.
Covenant Fellowship Member
Since its inception in 1983, the Covenant Fellowship has been a definitive part of the Francis Asbury Society, and it is still at the heart of who we are. The purpose of the Covenant Fellowship is to provide and promote an identifiable community of men and women who are committed to holiness of heart and life, edifying relationships and spiritual renewal in the church, across the nation and around the world. This fellowship is for anyone who longs for authentic covenant relationships centered in Jesus Christ and led by the Spirit.

The Francis Asbury Society Covenant
With the help of the Holy Spirit, I will:
- Fully surrender my will to God daily and trust him to fill me with his Holy Spirit.
- Reject every known sin in my life and, if I should fall into sin, immediately confess it, repent of it, and seek every means to prevent its return.
- Pray and read my Bible daily.
- Regularly attend and be committed to a local church.
- Seek out a small group of like-minded Christians with whom I can pray and be accountable.
- Labor and pray that revival will come to the nation and to the world.
- Regularly pray for the Francis Asbury Society and its work.
- Support the work of the Society financially as I am able.

What to Expect
As a member of the Covenant Fellowship of the Francis Asbury Society, you can expect:
- Monthly contact—This may include a devotional message; a book-of-the-month suggestion; Bible study resources; suggestions for ways to enrich your spiritual life; and/or the opportunity to share prayer requests, ideas, suggestions, questions, concerns.
- Resources—Including books, sermons, blogs, and resource links.
- Prayer support—Praying with and for you weekly.
- Special event invitations
- Ministry priority—Fellowship members will have priority consideration when requesting FAS speakers, books, counsel, and resources.
- Covenant groups—Small groups that seek to be wholly devoted in love to God and others.
- Discounts—On selected items and activities
Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Francis Asbury Society?
It is a group of people who have resolved to live and proclaim the truth that complete Christian salvation involves forgiveness and complete transformation through the Holy Spirit’s power.
Why is it called The Francis Asbury Society?
The Francis Asbury Society is named for Francis Asbury, the first Methodist bishop who is, perhaps, the most prolific shaper of the landscape of American Christian history. Between 1771, when he arrived in America, commissioned by John Wesley, and 1816, when he died, he rode more than 225,000 miles on horseback preaching and teaching the message of full salvation. President Calvin Coolidge said that Bishop Asbury knew more Americans face-to-face than any American in our Republic.
Asbury’s watchword and cry was, “Be Wholly for God.” He believed that the key to happiness is through faith which produces freedom. The principles of his life and ministry is our model.
What does the Francis Asbury Society do?
To accomplish our mission, we:
- Make available to churches itinerant evangelists, speakers and teachers who proclaim and teach the complete gospel of forgiveness and transformation.
- Encourage personal Christian growth and maturity through discipleship, Bible studies, conferences, and retreats.
- Publish this message through print, audio and video media, and electronic communication.
Who does the work of the Society?
The Francis Asbury Society (FAS) employs several full-time and part-time staff members, along with many volunteers, who carry out ministry and administrative responsibilities. FAS also has a team of 26 persons engaged in evangelism, speaking and teaching. All employees and volunteers—whether serving in ministry or administration—are personally supportive of the FAS mission promoted through evangelism, publications, and discipleship.
Is the Francis Asbury Society affiliated with a particular church denomination?
No, the Francis Asbury Society is an independent 501(c)(3) organization that is fully independent of all other organizations and churches.
What does holiness mean for my daily life?
First, in the Bible, holiness results from a personal encounter and relationship with the living God. So, holiness for our daily lives means to live in a personally intimate relationship with God through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Then, with the guiding presence of the Holy Spirit, a person’s daily life is transformed so that one lives “wholly devoted to God;” that is, loving God with all of one’s heart, soul, and mind and one’s neighbor as oneself.
How can the Francis Asbury Society help my church?
The Francis Asbury Society can help your church by providing:
- Evangelists, speakers, and teachers for revivals, conferences, and retreats.
- Various print, audio, video, and electronic materials to enable discipleship and personal Christian growth and maturity.
How can the Francis Asbury Society help me grow as a Christ follower?
- The High Calling, a bi-monthly publication promoting Biblical understanding and discipleship.
- The Hemlock Inn Retreat, held in North Carolina, which is an historical retreat that many have found to be both helpful and inspirational.
- Regularly scheduled Bible studies and prayer meetings.
- The Francis Asbury Institute, which promotes theological dialogue centered on the “dynamic orthodoxy” of Francis Asbury and John Wesley.
- Student ministries to encourage students to experience the reality of a holy heart, to embrace the joy of belonging to an authentic Christian community, and to express a passionate witness of the transforming grace of Jesus Christ.
We also encourage you to join our Covenant Fellowship, an identifiable community of men and women who are committed to holiness of heart and life, edifying relationships and spiritual renewal in the church.
How is the Francis Asbury Society funded? How can I support the work you are doing?
The Society is a faith ministry and depends wholly upon God to supply our needs through the sensitivity and obedience of His people. We are funded primarily through contributions from individual donors. Our ministry personnel raise their own support. All contributions to the Society are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
As the Lord leads you, we invite you to join the Leadership 100 in support of the Francis Asbury Society, as together we proclaim the gospel message that we can be “wholly devoted to God” with an undivided heart. You can support us by giving directly online, by mail or through electronic funds transfer (EFT).
Do you address cultural issues (abortion, homosexuality, etc.) in your ministry?
The primary purpose of the Francis Asbury Society (FAS) is to spread the message of Scriptural holiness to the ends of the earth in accordance with the Great Commission. In this effort, FAS holds that the Bible is the fully and uniquely inspired written Word of God and constitutes the revealed will of God in written form. Accordingly, the Bible is our sufficient and final authority for faith and practice. In support of our vision, mission, and values, we address not only matters of Scriptural holiness and Christian growth but also matters relevant to Christian living in today’s culture.